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Bronze Gold Smokey Eye | Jaclyn Hill
2017Mar 21
Here's a new bronze gold smokey eye tutorial! Linking the two Morphe palettes used below! 35R PALETTE 35O PALETTE ♡ ♡ ♡ DISCOUNT CODES: MORPHE BRUSHES: USE CODE: “JACATTACK” FOR A DISCOUNT ELCIE COSMETICS - DSCOUNT CODE - “Jaclyn10” SIGMA BRUSHES: click this link: Enter discount code “JACLYN" at checkout for 10% off Free shipping on orders of $50 HAIR EXTENSIONS: Enter code "jaclyn" for $5 off a pair of extensions for yourself. BELLAMI Hot tools: ENTER 'jaclyn160' for $160 off the 6 in 1 Curler ENTER 'jaclyn70' for $70 off the straightening iron. MAKEUP GEEK: ♡ ♡ ♡ CONNECT WITH ME!!! MY PO BOX 301 W. Platt St #632 Tampa FL 33606 INSTAGRAM: Jaclynhill TWITTER: Jaclynhill SNAPCHAT: Jaclynrhill Business inquiries only: (I am no longer booking clients) ♡ ♡ ♡
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My channel is a fun place for people to enjoy the world of beauty! If you leave mean negative comments or resort to name calling, I will delete your comment & block you. My channel is not the place. This world is so ugly & negative & we desperately need to make a change. I cant control the world, but I can control my channel. Constructive criticism is always welcome! "you're a lying bitch" is NOT constructive ! Don't feel like you need to kiss my ass. Feel free to speak your mind but please respect each other! XOXO

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Jaclyn Hill

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