Some interesting tips on Body Language and Tone of Voice for Public Speakers. This video talks about 7 important non verbal communication tips which can help you in delivering effective presentations. In this video on presentation skills in hindi, first tips is about posture. Posture should be erect, shoulders should be down and head should be lifted up. Do not lean or stand with closed arms. Second point of body language tips in hindi is about gesture which talks about hand moments, you can practice your hand moments when you are preparing your speech. You must have noticed in body language of confident people that they maintain a good eye contact, which is the third point of how to improve presentation. Fourth public speaking tip is about tone of voice, wherein animation, pace and depth of voice is discussed. Fifth point about body language is about the volume of your speech, it should be audible to each and every person in audience, this video will offer you help on how to set your volume in any size of audience. Sixth tip for body language on stage is to maintain a natural smile, as audience will find you attractive and pleasant when you keep a natural smile on your face. If you are a student or professional, you must be knowing the importance of dressing. So in last point, i have given some dressing tips in hindi which will help you to look more presentable on stage. I hope these body language tips in hindi will help you to prepare and perform your speech confidently. I will keep posting more videos to increase your confidence and help you in gaining best knowledge about presentation skills.
All the Best,
Him-eesh Madaan
Motivational Speaker in India …...more
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