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FORTNITE #3! FGTEEV Down with the Pew SQUAD + Funny Moments, Traps, Rocket Ride, Battle Royal Dances
2018Feb 22
SUPPORT A CREATOR CODE: DUDDYREAL123PC Merch ➡ & Be an FGTEEVER ➡ ... So Yo, I GOTS BETTER AT THIS GAME!!! YAY! Stay till end of some Funny Moments. But today, Duddy plays with Chase & two FGTEEVERS and it's fun, we hope you all enjoy! Thumbs up for Season 3 Today! This was recorded days ago so it doesn't feature latest update with Hand Canon and all that goodness! :) PC USername: DUDDYREAL123PC ================================== Beba Ba Leep Bop Beleeda Bop Pllllhhh! 📺Our Family/Vlog channel, FUNNEL VISION:    / fvfamily   📺Our Toy Channel: DOH MUCH FUN:    / dohmuchfun2   📺Family Friendly Youtube Gaming Channel, FGTEEV:    / fgteev   📺Skylander Boy and Girl Channel:    / theskylanderboyandgirl   ►Instagram:   / funnelvisionfam   ►Facebook:   / skylanderkids   ►Twitter:   / funnelvisionfam   ABOUT FGTEEV: FGTeeV is a Family Gaming Channel of 6 people. Dad is known as FGTEEV Duddy & Mom, well, we call her whatever but sometimes it's Moomy. They have 4 children, Chase, Mike, Lex & Shawn! We play all sorts of games, Thanks for checking us out. ================================== LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Royalty Free Music & Content by

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