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I Asked 100 YouTubers What The BEST Anime Ever Made Is...
2022May 15
Go to and use code ANIMEMAN15 to get $15 off your first Bokksu order! SUPPORT ME ON PATREON:   / theanimeman   What is the BEST anime ever made...? // PEOPLE IN THIS VIDEO // Abroad in Japan: ‪@AbroadinJapan‬ Airani Iofifteen: ‪@AiraniIofifteen‬ akidearest: ‪@akidearest‬ Alex Moukala Music: ‪@AlexMoukalaMusic‬ Alpharad: ‪@Alpharad‬ AmaLee: ‪@LeeandLie‬ AnimeUproar: ‪@AnimeUproar‬ anything4views: ‪@coldones‬ Apricot (Froot):   / apricot   Arin Hanson (egoraptor): ‪@GameGrumps‬ blluist:   / blluist   Brandon McInnis:   / branmci   CallMeCarson: ‪@CallMeCarson‬ CaptainSauce: ‪@CaptainSauce‬ CDawgVA: ‪@CDawgVA‬ Chibi Reviews: ‪@ChibiReviews‬ Chris Ramsey: ‪@ChrisRamsay52‬ CrankGameplays: ‪@ethan‬ Daidus: ‪@Daidus‬ DakotaBroskie: ‪@DakotaBroskie‬ Dan Avidan:    / nsp   DeeSidia: ‪@DEE-KIRIJO‬ DigitalNex: ‪@digitalnex‬ dj-Jo / Zenpaku: ‪@djJoMusicChannel‬ Dogen: ‪@Dogen‬ Domics: ‪@Domics‬ D Piddy: ‪@justpids‬ Elvis The Alien: ‪@ElvistheAlien‬ Emirichu: ‪@Emirichu‬ Eric van Wilderman: ‪@EricVanWilderman‬ Frankie:    / lolliafrankie   Freamm:   / freamm   Gaijin Goombah: ‪@GaijinGoombah‬ Gigguk: ‪@gigguk‬ GlassReflection: ‪@GlassReflection‬ hakumai:   / hakumai   HappiLeeErin: ‪@HappiLeeErin‬ Haruka Karibu:   / harukakaribu   Hidori Rose:   / hidorirosecos   HighGai:   / highgai   InternetHistorian: ‪@InternetHistorian‬ ironmouse:   / ironmouse   JackIsBoy: ‪@SpillingTheMilk‬ JakeNBake:   / jakenbakelive   James Landino:   / jameslandino   Jenna Meowri:   / jennalynnmeowri   Jessica Nigri:   / jessicanigri   Johnstone: ‪@JohnstoneYT‬ Jonah Scott:   / immrtransistor   kenbolido: ‪@Denki‬ Kevin Penkin:   / kevinpenkin   KickThePJ: ‪@KickThePj‬ Kizuna Ai:    / aichannel   kson: ‪@ksonONAIR‬ Kureiji Ollie: ‪@KureijiOllie‬ Kuro_Ken:   / kuro_ken   Ladybeard:   / ladybeard_japan   LaynaLazar:   / laynalazar   Leon Chiro:   / leon_chiro   LordAethelstan:   / lordaethelstan   Ludwig: ‪@ludwig‬ MeatCanyon: ‪@MeatCanyon‬ Miyune:   / miyune   MoistCritical: ‪@penguinz0‬ Mori Calliope: ‪@MoriCalliope‬ Mudan: ‪@Mudan‬ Mysta Rias: ‪@MystaRias‬ NANO:    / @nano_official   Nick Robinson: ‪@babylonian‬ Nick Wolfhard:   / nick__wolfhard   NoneLikeJoshua: ‪@NoneLikeJoshua‬ Noriyaro: ‪@noriyaro‬ Nyanners:   / nyanners   Octopimp:   / octopimp   Ohara: ‪@Ohara-the-Fox‬ PeachMilky:   / peachmilky   PeanutButterGamer: ‪@PeanutButterGamer‬ PewDiePie: ‪@PewDiePie‬ Pokimane:   / pokimane   PremierTwo:   / premiertwo   ProfessorLando:   / professorlando   Projekt Melody:   / projektmelody   Reina Scully: ‪@reinascully‬ RetroGaijin:   / retrogaijin   robcdee:   / robcdee   Roomie: ‪@RoomieOfficial‬ RubberRoss: ‪@RubberRoss‬ Rustage: ‪@rustage‬ Sharla in Japan: ‪@sharlainjapan‬ Shibuya Kaho:   / shibuya_kaho   SLUSHII:   / slushiimusic   sssniperwolf: ‪@SSSniperWolf‬ SuperEyepatchWolf: ‪@supereyepatchwolf0‬ SUSURUTV: ‪@SUSURUTV‬ sydsnap: ‪@sydsnap‬ Takahata:   / takahata101   Tectone:   / tectone   TheMasterOfDoom: ‪@TheMasterOfDooM‬ Tokidoki Traveller: ‪@TokidokiTraveller‬ trihex:   / trihex   twomad: ‪@threemad‬ Uchida Shu:   / uchida_shu0524   VampyBitMe:   / vampybitme   Violet Myers:   / violetsaucy   Whang!: ‪@JustinWhangYt‬ Wolfychu: ‪@Wolfychu‬ YonkouProductions: ‪@YonkouProd‬ #TheAnimeMan #top100 #youtubers EDITED BY MUDAN:    / mudan   FTC: This video is sponsored by Bokksu. ► SECOND CHANNEL:    / @joeytheanimeman   ► TWITTER:   / thean1meman   ► LIVE STREAMS:   / thean1meman   ► INSTAGRAM: ► MAL: ► Outro screen courtesy of TheRyDesigns: ► Outro music: Kailo - Mistakes (feat. Baerfrens):   / kailomusic   ----------------------------------------------------------------- ► ALL MUSIC AND SOUNDS USED ARE OWNED BY THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. ► "Copyright Disclaimer, Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'fair use' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."

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The Anime Man

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