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Disturbed - The Sound Of Silence - cover by Jadyn Rylee and Sina (Simon & Garfunkel original)
2017May 1
Please support Jadyn's journey by becoming a Patreon or YouTube member. The links are below. -Patreon-   / jadynrylee   -YouTube:-    / @jadynrylee   This phenomenal song was first performed by the legendary Simon and Garfunkel. 'The Sound Of Silence' was later reborn when Disturbed released their own hard rock rendition. Through the guidance of Rick Benbow and Mike Wilbury at Jadyn has developed her own interpretation of this iconic tune. Rick Benbow arranged the perfect instrumental accompaniment with Sina and Mike completing the drum and guitars. The combination of the elements gives this song the smooth tone of the original as well as the 'edge' of the version performed by Disturbed. This song is included on the cover album YourSongBook. The album is currently available on iTunes and Spotify at the links below: iTunes Spotify: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Connect with Jadyn through her Links--- - @JadynRylee YouTube -    / jadynrylee   Instagram - @jadynrylee Facebook -   / jadynrylee   Twitter - @JadynRylee ____________________________________________________________________ The drums are performed by Sina. She is an extremely talented musician primarily performs classic rock drum covers from the 70's, 80's and 90's. Please follow her links below to see some of the best drum covers on YouTube. YouTube:    / sinadrumming   Web Site: Twitter: @sina_drums Facebook:   / girlsgotgroove   ___________________________________________________________________ If you are looking for someone to create Backing Tracks for your music please Contact Mike Wilbury at This video would not have been possible if not for the hard work of many different people. We would like to thank : Rick Benbow for arranging this INCREDIBLE Piano Track. Rick, you truly are a master of the keys. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike Wilbury of (Canterbury, England) for his hours of video and audio production. You really brought out the emotion in this song that Jadyn was trying to relay. Thank you for bringing out such an important message. YourSoundTube

Jadyn Rylee

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