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Steve Jobs: How a Dreamer Changed the World
2014Jun 3
Through interviews with friends, former colleagues and business associates, GAME CHANGERS reveals the many layers of the intensely private Steve Jobs - his style of leadership, management and creative process. Interviews include Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, former Apple CEO John Scully, journalist turned Venture Capitalist Michael Moritz, Dreamworks CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg, former Apple "Mac Evangelist" and Silicon Valley Entrepreneur, Guy Kawasaki and Robert X.Cringely, technology journalist and former Apple employee. ---------- Like this video? Subscribe to Bloomberg on YouTube: Bloomberg is the First Word in business news, delivering breaking news & analysis, up-to-the-minute market data, features, profiles and more: Connect with us on... Twitter:   / business   Facebook:   / bloombergbusiness   Instagram:   / bloombergbusiness  

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