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SeaWorld releases video of 2006 killer whale attack
2012Jul 25
CNN's Tom Foreman reports on a 2006 killer whale attack at Sea World. SeaWorld should retire orcas (2016): The youngest orca at SeaWorld San Diego just died suddenly: (CNN) - The youngest orca at SeaWorld San Diego died at the animal theme park from an illness, leaving those who cared for her heartbroken. On Wednesday, Amaya, the 6-year-old orca, started showing signs of an illness so animal care specialists and veterinarians began treating her, SeaWorld said in a statement. Almost 24 hours later, SeaWorld said, she died with her animal care specialists by her side. "Despite her care team's efforts, Amaya's condition continued to decline rapidly. Her death was sudden and unexpected," SeaWorld said. The name Amaya means "night rain," the website said, and credited the young whale with helping SeaWorld "gather and share critical information about calf development for researchers studying wild populations."


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