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I Tested 2 DIY Bath Bomb Kits
2019Jun 7
Hey guys! The testing craft kit/craft kit review videos are back! With a bang!....or bomb? Today I'm testing 2 DIY bath bomb kits that I picked up from Hobby Lobby. I've never made a bath bomb in my life, but recently I've been really interested in all the super creative bath bomb designs I've seen around. So I did this as a way to learn the basics of bath bomb making and hopefully also give you guys an idea of what you can do with either of these was an interesting experience. This is the first time I am filming in my new art room. I've been working on putting this room together ever since I moved and I'm so happy with how it has turned out! I hope you guys like it. I can't wait to show you the whole room in a future video. The first kit is by Mine2Design. I couldn't find a link online, but I purchased it from Hobby Lobby for $15. The second kit is by Klutz (this is an affiliate link) here's a link: Let me know if you want to see more bath bombs from me. I would love to try more intricate/creative designs (you know, once I learn how to make a bath bomb). particularly dessert themed like cupcakes, donuts (lol typical). just lemme know! __UPLOAD SCHEDULE__ Every Friday at 4:00pm ET: Alternating Squishy Makeovers, Thrift Makeovers, Craft Kit Reviews, Create This Book, Mail Openings and Miscellaneous crafts and DIYs PURCHASE ME PRODUCTS CREATE THIS BOOK: CREATE THIS BOOK 2: ME MERCH: GET TO KNOW ME VISIT ME WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: CONTACT ME EMAIL PICTURES OF YOUR ART: FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES ONLY: MAIL ME For sending squishies, Letters, or general fan mail, please contact: FANMAIL@MORIAH.VIDEO to request my P.O. box address :) •FOR SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY PLEASE! Unfortunately I can only respond to a small amount of people each week. This is to make sure that I get a reasonable amount of mail and can feature the maximum amount on camera. I apologize in advance if you do not hear back from me. This email gets SUPER clogged with thousands of messages. SORRY PEEPS!* MUSIC CREDITS: Intro Music by: SHIFTYPOP "Music: Love Light and Twinkles by JivingGerbil    • Love Light and Twinkles - cute twinkl...  

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Moriah Elizabeth

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