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The Incredible Crash Dummies (NES) - Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)
2020Jun 30
Go to to take back your Internet privacy TODAY and find out how you can get 3 months free!! Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN) episode 180: The Incredible Crash Dummies... or "Crash Test Dummies" if you prefer (not the 90s band). The game was published by LJN (on the NES) and was based on the cartoon, based on the public service announcements, based on the actual real-world crash test  dummies that are used in car safety tests. This NES game was released in 1993 when the next gen systems were already in full swing. This game is for other systems too, like the SNES and Genesis, but The Nerd wanted to focus on the original Nintendo game by his least favorite game publisher. James Rolfe's Twitter:   / cinemassacre   Mike Matei Twitter:   / mike_matei   Crew: Justin Silverman, Kieran Fallon, Antonio Piluso   / justysilverman     / kieeeeern     / hackthemovies   Background music by Apebit: Parody instrumentals and mixing by Epic Game Music    / @epicgamemusic     / epicgamemusic   "Crash" vocals by Elsie Lovelock   / elsielovelock -- Cinemassacre Shirts, DVDs, and Blu-rays: Merch on Teespring exclusive shirts: Click to Subscribe: Mike Matei on Twitch:   / mikemateilive   Angry Video Game Nerd Playlist:    • Angry Video Game Nerd (Newest to Oldest)   #AngryVideoGameNerd #CrashTestDummies #AVGN180 #Cinemassacre

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