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4 Confidence Tricks Only Alpha Males Know
2021Mar 8
In this video we look at Thomas Shelby from the Netflix show Peaky Blinders to see 4 Confidence Tricks Only Alpha Males Know . I hope you enjoy the video! Thank you to Charisma On Command for the inspiration for this video. He also did a great video breaking down Thomas Shelby. You can watch it here:    • How To Be Fearless Under Pressure   ______________________________________________________________________________________________ #ThomasShelby #PeakyBlinders ______________________________________________________________________________________________ TURN ON POST NOTIFICATIONS! Equipment I Use: Main Camera:​​ Lens:​​ Vlog Camera (On the go):​​ Main Microphone:​​ Microphone (On the go):​​ Editing Software:​​ My name is Brett Maverick Lange and I make video’s about reactions, challenges, fitness, nutrition, fashion, lifestyle and anything fun through a combination of informative videos and vlogs. I preach a lifestyle whereas you can combine fitness with every aspect of your life, such as social activities, drinking alcohol, partying and still eating your favorite foods on a daily basis. Don’t forget to subs cribe if you want to stay up to date :) My Instagram: BRETTMVRK My snapchat: THEBRETTLANGE My Twitter: BrettLangeTV Category Howto & Style Mens fashion Mens Style

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Brett Maverick

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